Friday, November 3, 2023

3 hours of study a day makes an overwhelming difference by 天風 231103

 Sometimes I study 3 hours a day, sometimes I don't study at all. In general, studying for 3 hours is not much different than not studying. I wonder if I can read one novel that is not that long. Unless that one book is a special book, you can't expect it to have a big impact on your life.

Macroeconomics adjusts quantities by 天風 231103

 Macroeconomics teaches that if a product does not sell, it does not reduce the price, but rather reduces the quantity produced. On the other hand, microeconomics suggests lowering the price if it does not sell. Which one is better?

If you want something, you will only get a small amount. If you greed, you can only get a few by 天風 231103

 If you can get a large amount of rewards even though you usually don't, you tend to try to get more of them. It can't be helped because all humans have desires, but the reality is more complicated. What will the people around you think if you are greedy? Would you like to receive more compensation? I think it would be a good idea to think about it from the opposite perspective. If you were in the position of giving compensation, what kind of person would you like and give more compensation to? If you want something, you will only get a small amount. Sometimes reality is contrary to expectations. Fact is stranger than fiction. It might be a good idea to put yourself in the other person's shoes. See you soon.

Don't be evil, be kind. Don't be evil, be kind by 天風 231103

 The company motto "Don't be evil" is actually Google's company motto, and I don't know if it's current, but it used to be written like that. I prefer a more positive policy of being more kind. If you continue to do small acts of kindness, you may find yourself receiving a big reward in return before you know it.

If you need help, rely on your safety net. If you need help, turn to a safety net by 天風

 There are many people who need support at this time. Why not rely on a safety net for such people? A safety net means a safety net, and is the last resort for people. Students often receive scholarships to pay for tuition fees. This is one of the safety nets, but there are also many services provided by city hall. These services are your important rights, so please think carefully before using them. There are still things I want to write about, but people who wish to die may be saved by a safety net. I will rewrite it again soon. See you soon.

It's best to go to bed early at night. It's best to go to bed early at night by 天風 231103

 I woke up in the middle of the night to play games or go shopping at a convenience store. I think it can't be helped if there is some work that needs to be done. I feel sorry for people who work night shifts. However, staying up late just for fun is fine once in a while, but I don't really recommend it. Everyday life is made up of lifestyle habits, and if you go to the doctor, they will tell you about such problems.

What is the most difficult thing to do, how many years does it take? How many years is the most difficult to take by 天風 231103

 I'll try setting the period to 4 years, 20 years, 30 years, depending on my preference. Which year is the most difficult? There are many things that can be said to be difficult. When it comes to studying for a qualification, it would be amazing if you could pass it in four years, and when it comes to marriage, the most difficult thing to do is to live happily together for 30 years. Surprisingly, 20 years old is sometimes the most difficult, and there are patterns where younger people are more physically active, such as sports or martial arts.

Improve your performance without being jealous! ? A brand is something that comes from updating who you want to be! !

Hello. This is Tenmei Watanabe from Seito Medical School. This time, the theme is that trust crumbles all at once. I have no experience with...