Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ordinary people are people with a high level of skill! ? Do you want to live normally or live like you’re going to die? ?

Hello. This is Watanabe Tenmei from Seito Medical School Clear File. This time, I would like to think about what "normal" means as it is a medical school rewrite.

Right off the bat, I don't really like the word "normal". What people call normal is a state of being without any flaws, and just as in a group, normal refers to the person who is the leader. When we say that a person is average, we are not referring to the average value.

In a sense, we say that someone is normal when we see someone who has already gone through life and has mastered the basics of things and is able to do everything smoothly. In simple terms, it refers to someone who does everything properly and has no flaws.

People often say that it would be nice if Japanese women were just normal people, but I think that by normal they are actually referring to someone of a fairly high rank.

When I think back to my school days and think about who the average person was, I don't think it was someone with average grades. You probably thought that someone who was a class representative, had good grades, and was not bad at getting along with other people was normal.

In reality, if you look at him objectively from an average person's point of view, he wasn't particularly outstanding, but he was still in a relatively high position.

Let's say you want to date someone who graduated from an average university. What level of university do you consider to be average? Perhaps what you mean by average is a local national university or a mid-ranking private university with a deviation score of 60 or higher.

If we assume that a man who graduated from a university with a deviation score of 50 is the average person, we are overlooking the fact that in Japan, nearly 40% of men of the same age do not go on to university. In other words, even if you are considered an F-rank graduate, if you are a university graduate, you can still be considered normal.

Or you could look at annual income, but an average annual income would be a man in his late 20s earning 4.5 million yen, which is the average annual income in Japan. However, since this is the combined annual income of all age groups, we can see that a man in his late 20s earning 4.5 million yen in Japan is either someone with a highly specialized job or a white-collar worker at a major first-class company.

In other words, what women say is normal means that if they are the same age, they mean the lower part of the top or the upper part of the middle. No, I'm fine. I would like to withhold personal information, but since I'm not trying to be a normal person, I don't fall into this category, or rather, I don't want to be included.

I'm in my mid-30s, so from the perspective of Japanese women, earning around 6 million yen a year would be considered normal. In my case, I'm not aiming to be normal. As I've written before, I've gotten a lot better recently, but I'm classified as a weirdo, and I'm the type of person who thinks that life is most thrilling and interesting if you experience the lows and the highs.

My ``ideal'' is to be assigned to the bottom of an organization, rapidly improve my performance, rapidly advance in the ranks, and settle into the top chair. I'm not the type of person who's popular either, but I'm still a dreamer, so I don't know if I'll ever get married, and even if I do, I'm likely to get married later.

I am a cutlass, working to the death and dreaming of success through this very young age. Once you become the head of a big organization, you won't have to worry about marriage.

This is an investment, because you are investing your youth into the workforce, in the hope of ultimately getting a big return.

Even this blog is one step towards that ambition. It's a big story, and I'm not sure if I can make a profit, but I want to do my best without being swayed by the curse of normality. To that end, I work 12 hours a day and invest all the money I earn into myself.

Some people will say, "Maybe it's time to take it back." This brings to mind the marshmallow test. Children are offered one marshmallow if they choose to eat it now, or two if they choose to eat it later. Children who were patient and chose the two marshmallows were more likely to be socially successful as adults than those who ate them right away.

I also like the movie ``The Shawshank Redemption,'' in which the main character talks about geology and says that the essence of geology is pressure x time. This is also true in everyday life, and the most important factors for social success are how much time you can devote to practicing your work or hobbies each day, and how long you can continue with that amount of practice. .

Going back to the beginning, normal means that there are no disadvantages, but there are also no advantages. Even if there are one or two catastrophic flaws, if there are overwhelming strengths, those flaws will be compensated for. Increase your strengths with pressure x time. The greater the calculation result, the easier your life will be.

I can survive the rest of my life just by going to the library a few times a week and writing a blog. I don't make any money from blogging, and I'm not a huge social success, but I think this is reality. I'm not bragging.

However, I think this is a position that I would never have been able to get if I had tried to live like a normal person. After all, you only live once. Even if you don't want to be the main character of a spy movie, you want to be the main character of a reincarnated manga. Is it more difficult that way (lol)?

Perhaps if you want to live the rails of a normal life, you have to live a conventional life. Do this because everyone around you does it this way. I'll say this because people around me say this. From my point of view, a normal life is very difficult.

That doesn't mean a normal life is bad. In other words, a normal life is one of low risk and low return. If you are looking for stability, it is better to live a normal life.

However, if you want to live freely, doing what you like as much as you like, I think it's not a bad life to start out at the bottom and work your way up to the top of your industry by working as hard as you can.

I think I wrote in my previous article that a sense of fulfillment is happiness. If you do something you hate even if it means dying, that's hell, but if you do something you love even if it means dying, that's happiness. I think a stable life awaits you beyond that.

Which would you rather live: normal or ready to die? that's all. have a nice day. See you soon.

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